What you will get by reading my PersonalAudioNotes is just want the title says. What you will not get is probably an important thing for you to assess at this point, to avoid wasting your time, or even worse, having a bad time while/after reading me.
You will get notes, not full reviews. No spec sheets. Not studies, not engineering assessments. Just notes. Sometimes very short ones. Other times longer takes. Reorganised a bit for readability. Not else.
About audio. Not all audio. Not even most audio or a lot of audio. As a matter of facts, my notes will mostly if not exclusively cover just my audio equipment, or those few other devices I have / have had an occasion to directly audition.
Personal. I will cover equipment from a strictly personal, subjective point of view. I just don’t care about investingating, let alone pretending to know why anybody with different tastes than mine should or should not prefer this or that device. If you are looking for a sort of search engine where you put your tastes and budget in and pop! you get the product I recommend you to buy look elsewhere (and if you find it link it back please).
I am not selling anything here, not marketing anything, not even sponsoring anything or being sponsored by anyone in any shape or form.
I am exclusively writing about my personal experiences, fully and explicitly based on and biased by my own culture and personality – and nothing else.
Chances are my takes will be crap for you. I’m fine with it. You should be too.
Much in the line of this spirit, here’s a few other things you won’t get here.
Product pictures: unless needed to illustrate some particular situation, I don’t believe you have any interest in looking at a picture of my own sample of an internationally commonly available industrial product. That’s actually totally boring to me when I have to skip pictures from “reviewers’ sites” I indeed highly rate the textual parts thereof. I don’t take postcard pictures of the Tour Eiffel every time I pass along that in Paris, there’s architecture prints for that. I won’t bore you there. I will paste or link pictures from manufacturers’ sites just for the sake of visually showing what I’m talking about, and that’s that.
Measurements, deep technical assessments and graphs: there’s plenty of reliable sources for that on the internet, I know a few I do trust (in their capacity of measure takers, while not necessarily in their tastes and/or bias in drawing conclusions from raw data – but it’s easy to keep that apart from tables and graphs) and I will link them whenever appropriate, giving credit for their work everytime it’s due.