A bit more than a year ago I published a piece describing features and benefits of my home LMS (Logitech Media Server) infrastructure. Over time my setup has evolved a bit and this is an update to the original article. Logitech Media Server is a piece of software and it well described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logitech_Media_Server The…
iFi IEMatch
iFi IEMatch is one of those devices which application is not immediately obvious to the layman – and even to some amateur audiophiles, including myself of course! Once I “got” its purpose though I found it so usefeul, and so effective, that it became a fundamental part of my audio toolbox. Indeed I even own…
final Sonorous Earpads
Final Sonorous Earpads are the original final audio earpads for their Sonorous headphone series. They available in 7 variations, and I tested 4 of them on my Sonorous-II and Sonorous-III models. Final Sonorous-II and Sonorous-III are in my opinion the absolute best closed back headphones you can buy for less than 500$ (either costing much…
iFi Nano iUSB3.0 – Clean The Stream Up
Providing clean and regular power and digital input to a DAC is of paramount importance. Nano iUSB3.0 helps big time on such challenge.
TRI 4 core HP SCC cable
Together with my KBEAR LARK review unit some weeks ago I also received a separate TRI (KBEAR) 4 core High Purity (5N) Single Crystal Copper cable for testing. It quite logically came with a 2pin TFZ termination on the driver’s end, to first and foremost support the LARK drivers it came with. So I tried…