I got to taste the flavour of a pair of privately owned IMR’s triple-driver RAH model. Not enough to write a full review with all the details etc, but I jotted down some notes, here they are. The most “externally evident” component of the product is the replaceable nozzle + filter system intended for the…

Intime Sora 2 – clean energetic musicality
Well, you know: I do have a passion for final’s IEMs. First of all about their sound delivery, of course, but also about the technological effort they endure on their development, and share in good details with their customers. Is that a unique case, or maybe a tendency – a sort of “regional school” ?…

Toneking MrZ Tomahawk
These are the best (read: my preferred) earbuds as of yet soundwise. Their sole real annoyance is their size, which makes them by and large impossible to wear for some, and difficult for others (me included). I’m keeping them as they sound so well that I do use them – for short sessions – every…

KBEar Stellar
If IEMs are a sea of different models and tunings, earbuds are an ocean. These new ones from KBear feature a very modest price which might contribute to stimulate the curiosity of trying them. I would not call them all-rounders as they do come with some quite sharp pros and cons, but what they do…

MEMT R1 : an attempt at something different
All about this IEM talks about the manufacturer attempting at differentiating from the crowd – which is a much needed as much as difficult exercise, considering how crowded their chosen price bracket is of successful other models. They first of all invested quite some thought onto the physical parts of the product: very lightweight, perfectly…

KBEar KB04 : brightly inexpensive
Delivering good value at a (very) low price is not an easy exercise, and this is a case where that has been well executed. KB04 is an overall remarkable product in terms of price/performance and even price/quality ratios. There are a few parts I like more, others less, but no “defect” really. Those liking a…

Ifi nano iUSB3.0 : a huge set of improvements
Simply put ifi iUSB3.0 is an active (i.e.: autonomously powered) device which makes communication much better between a digital music player (e.g. a laptop, a multimedia server, etc) and a USB-connected and possibly USB-powered DAC or DAC-AMP. iUSB3.0 does 4 main things: 1 – Provides clean(er) power iUSB3.0 forwards the clean(er) power coming from its…

So I got this pair of TIN T2 Plus as a review unit from my friends at KEEPHIFI (www.keephifi.com) entrusting me to an unbiased analysis and openhearted subjective evaluation, which is what I’m reporting here below. You can purchase T2+ either at Friendly Audio Store (Keephifi official store) or at Amazon Yinyoo Store. At-a-glance Card…

Hiby R5
I do like my Hiby R5, and a lot so. It does have a few shortcomings – what is perfect after all – but it’s definitely a solid part of my gear since I got it and familiarised with it enough. I’ll share my practical experience with you from my personal usage point of view,…

BGVP VG4 …..with IFI IEMatch 2.5’s substantial help
A very, very nice IEM with a serious driving problem